DavieCONNECT is a unique and innovative workforce initiative launched by the Davie County Economic Development Commission in 2018. Created to focus attention on connecting Davie County businesses to resources and students to careers, DavieCONNECT is a local solution to growing needs for a highly-skilled talent pipeline in Davie County. Through strong partnerships with business and industry, Davie County Schools and Davidson-Davie Community College Davie County we have several programs that connect employers to students to provide career awareness, onsite tours, work-based learning opportunities, post-secondary education opportunities, and pathways to 21st-century careers.
Tools That Help Employers Rise to the Challenge of a Global Market
Our existing employers are facing unprecedented challenges as they compete in the global marketplace. As a local resource, DavieCONNECT provides business & industry leaders with the streamlined information they need to take advantage of the vast resources available to them. State and federal workforce programs offer several training grants to assist with upskilling existing employees or on-the-job training for new hires.
DavieCONNECT partners with NCWorks, PTRC, Davidson-Davie Community College, and Davie Chamber to host regular recruiting events to connect employers with job seekers. Recruiting events are onsite or virtual and may include multiple companies or on location for a single employer. These events and recruiting opportunities are found on our website: www.DavieWORKS.com.
Contact Us
135 South Salisbury Street, Suite 200
Mocksville, NC 27028
Phone: 336-753-6670
Email: cmcmanamy@daviecounty.com
Director: Carolyn McManamy