From birth to career, there are many opportunities to develop strategies and interventions to increase attainment and improve workforce alignment. Davie County is committed to preparing our children to reach their highest potential in school, career, and life.
Early Childhood Education
Studies clearly show that the foundation for lifelong success in school and work begins at birth.
Davie County Smart Start
Smart Start is North Carolina’s nationally recognized and award-winning early childhood initiative designed to ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed in school and beyond. Smart Start of Davie County connects the community through programs that ensure quality early education, health, and family support for all children prenatal to kindergarten in Davie County. Smart Start of Davie County also offers a wealth of training throughout the year that all early childhood educators, parents, and community members are invited to join.
Preschool Programs
A quality preschool program can play such a significant role in a child’s development. Davie County has numerous programs for children ages 2-5 ranging from half-day faith-based programs, to full-day NC Pre-K programs, the hallmark program of North Carolina early childhood education, both school-based and at private centers.

K-12 Schools
Davie County has 12 public schools – six elementary, three middle, one middle/high, and two high schools. Davie County Schools has received state recognition for quality education. To read our NC School report cards click here.
Davie Educational Performance Indicators
My Future NC shows the progress each county is making toward the state’s overall 2030 goal for postsecondary educational attainment, as well as 18 educational performance indicators.

Davie County High School STEM Center
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) play a key role in the sustained growth and stability of the U.S. economy and are critical to our future. STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators.
To learn more about the Davie High STEM Center visit their website.
Davie County is preparing our future generations for success by committing to and investing in our education system. Career awareness and pathway development are a priority for our community.
DDAC (Davidson and Davie Apprenticeship Consortium)
DDAC is an apprenticeship program organized by an alliance of manufacturing companies in Davidson and Davie counties. DDAC apprentices enjoy full-time employment after graduation while earning an Associates Degree, and two Journeyman certificates.
You can get more information here.

Other Educational Opportunities »
Edge Factor is an online digital platform available at each of the middle and high schools in Davie County. This innovative workforce development tool uses the power of cinematic storytelling and interactive tools to open the eyes of students, parents, and adults to rewarding career opportunities that will get them excited about planning their future. The multimedia resources included in the membership-based platform make STEAM relevant, align to statewide standards, highlight career profiles, instill soft skills, and introduce technology. Visit edgefactor.com to learn more.
Manufacturing Day is a national event executed at the local level and typically focuses on manufacturing careers. Local businesses and Davie County manufacturers provide a unique opportunity for all eighth-grade students in Davie County to experience the many outstanding career opportunities that exist here in the county. Business leaders provide informative tours including examples of how their employees use math, science, technology, and communication skills. Students are intrigued by the emphasis on safety, size of the facilities, the variety of jobs including the educational requirements for the job, and the machinery used in the day-to-day operation of the businesses. Click here to learn more.
Davie Community Foundation S.U.R.F. (Students Understanding Real Futures) Board – the S.U.R.F. Board is a group of high school students who raise money and award grants to youth-led projects in Davie County. This is an opportunity for young people to learn about philanthropy; giving of their time, talents, and treasures to make life better for others. Board members learn about needs in the community, the responsibilities that go along with giving, as well as important leadership skills that will serve them well into adulthood. Visit the website to learn more about this opportunity.
4-H is a non-profit organization with a mission to engage youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing in the field of youth development. The club’s development leadership, public speaking, and social skills. They participate in monthly meetings, community service projects, citizenship activities, and club outings. There are several different volunteer-led clubs that are geared towards specific interests that our youth have within our community. Visit their website for more about this project based educational program.
Career & Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) empowers all students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy. Whether students plan to further their education in community colleges, technical schools, four-year colleges, and universities, receive on-the-job training, or pursue careers in the military, Davie County Schools’ CTE can be the first step in a pathway toward productive employment and citizenship. For more information regarding Career & Technical Education and course offerings at Davie County High School check out the website here.

Davie County High School also offers a host of CTE student organizations where students can learn leadership, teamwork, and communications skills and compete for prizes and scholarships. Learn more at CTE.

CTE/STEM Alliance Business Advisory Council
The purpose of the CTE/STEM Alliance Business Advisory Council is to create a vibrant school/community partnership guiding students toward career preparation by connecting business and industry with education. To get involved contact Anthony Davis, Director of CTE and Federal Programs for Davie County Schools.
WorkKeys, ACT
A Certified Work Ready Community, Davie County understands the importance of a credentialed workforce that demonstrates industry-recognized skills.
WorkKeys is an ACT assessment that is administered to all North Carolina 12th grade CTE completers. A CTE completer is a student who has taken at least four courses in a Career Cluster. WorkKeys tests measure “real world” skills that are critical to job success. These skills are essential to any occupation, skilled or professional, at any level of education and in any industry. CTE Completers take the following three WorkKeys test:
- Workplace Documents
- Applied Mathematics
- Graphic Literacy
By taking the WorkKeys tests, students can earn a State Career Readiness Certificate (CRC), as well as a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). CRC’s and NCRC’s are awarded at four different levels: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. For questions, contact Darla Goldfuss, Curriculum and Instructional Management Coordinator.

Davidson-Davie Community College
Davidson-Davie Community College is a fully accredited, multi-campus college where students of all ages and backgrounds pursue academic and career-focused education in order to build successful futures. As one of 58 institutions within the North Carolina Community College System, Davidson-Davie offers more than 40 degree and professional certificate programs, as well as affordable college-credit coursework to students who plan to transfer to four-year schools. With a mission to serve the changing needs of students competing in a global environment, Davidson-Davie is committed to quality education, innovative and equitable learning experiences, training, and support across a wide range of 21st-century career fields.

Davie Community Foundation
The Davie Community Foundation inspires philanthropy to strengthen Davie County for present and future generations. We believe we are ” Investing in our future NOW!” as we work toward our vision of a vibrant community where everyone can thrive! The Foundation offers a variety of philanthropic services to engage the community in giving. In addition, more than $1 Million in grant investments are made annually to projects and programs that strengthen Davie County, while more than $250,000 in scholarships are awarded as investments in Davie County students.

Mebane Charitable Foundation
The Mebane Charitable Foundation supports collaborations and partnerships among educational professionals (public and private), business leaders, elected officials, and the community at large and has served as a catalyst by granting more than $17 million to educational program partners across the state. The Foundation focuses resources to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their highest potential in school, career, and life. To learn more visit Mebanefoundation.com.
Other Programs That Assist Students With Higher Education & Training »
IGNITE DAVIE is a place-based last-dollar scholarship; which means students must live in and attend school in Davie County. All eligible high school graduates, regardless of financial need or academic ability, can continue their education and training to open the door to better career opportunities and increased earning potential.
The program pays tuition, required fees, and a stipend for books for students to attend Davidson-Davie Community College full-time. Students may pursue a Certificate, Diploma, or Associate/Transfer Program. To learn more visit IGNITEDAVIE.com Specific questions may be directed to Carolyn McManamy by email or call 336- 753-6670.
Career & College Promise (CCP) allows high school students to get a jump-start on earning college credits while still enrolled in high school. The tuition is free. Eligible students may earn college transfer credits, workforce credentials, or both. College Transfer Pathways designed for students to start working toward a four-year degree. These structured pathways offer courses that, if successfully completed with a “C” or better, will seamlessly transfer to any public university and many private colleges and universities in the state.
Career and Technical Education Pathways are aligned with the high school career clusters and allow students the opportunity to earn a workforce credential before ever graduating from high school. Students acquire skills in high-demand areas to fill a need in our community. These credentials will help a student go directly into the workforce. For more information contact: Erin Brown, Lead School Counselor.